Instagram is reportedly testing a new feature that prevents users from skipping ads by introducing a countdown timer before allowing them to scroll further. According to a Redditor, when users reach the end of their feed, an “ad break” icon with a countdown timer appears, blocking them from browsing further until they watch the ad. Tapping the icon reveals more information about the new feature, indicating that “Ad Break is a new way to view ads on Instagram.”

The parent company of Instagram, Meta, has confirmed that they are experimenting with non-skippable ads. This move has raised concerns among users as many find non-skippable ads intrusive and potentially harmful to their Instagram experience. Some users have even expressed a willingness to stop using the app altogether if this becomes a widespread feature.
This experimental approach is reminiscent of YouTube’s use of non-skippable ads, which has proven successful for the platform. However, it remains to be seen whether Instagram users will be as receptive to this feature.
It’s important to note that Instagram has seen significant advertising revenue growth in recent years, outperforming YouTube in some periods. Despite this, reactions from users will likely play a crucial role in determining whether this new feature will be rolled out to all users.