WordPress 5.7.1 is now available!

by nativetechdoctor
1 minutes read

the WordPress team has released WordPress 5.7.1. this update is for security and maintenance release but the next will be a major release.

download wordpress 5.7.1 from wordpres.org or visit your Dashboard → Updates and click Update Now. dont stress yourself to manually updateyour site if it support automatic background update

Security Updates

The WordPress security team has disabled the ability to load external entities for all versions this is to prevent XML External Entity Injection within the media library affecting only PHP 8.

The WordPress security team added additional measures to limit access to password-protected posts. this is to prevent Data exposure vulnerability within the REST API.

now, switching a site from HTTP to HTTPS is a one-click move. WordPress will automatically update database URLs when you make the switch. No more hunting and guessing!

editor update

Font-size adjustment in more places: now, font-size controls are right where you need them in the List and Code blocks. No more trekking to another screen to make that single change!

Reusable blocks: several enhancements make reusable blocks more stable and easier to use. And now they save automatically with the post when you click the Update button.

Inserter drag-and-drop: drag blocks and block patterns from the inserter right into your post.

You can do more without writing custom code

Full-height alignment: have you ever wanted to make a block, like the Cover block, fill the whole window? Now you can.

Buttons block: now you can choose a vertical or a horizontal layout. And you can set the width of a button to a preset percentage.

Social Icons block: now you can change the size of the icons.


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